wife from Hell has been up to! I’m going to enjoy seeing how she’s aged! When ghosts return after years on soaps, they never stay the way they were when they passed. Of course, she’s still probably looking younger than she should with a son who’s in his 30s!
She was great with John and also brought out a gentler side of Victor. Deciding to have her die with pancreatic cancer was heartbreaking. It was one of the few times that I was upset enough to stop watching for a while. I will be delighted to see Staci again.
he will certainly be in need of his mother’s intervention. She will probably be the only one who can help him see things clearly. I suppose that time in the crypt when Brady was talking to her was a sign of things to come, although I will never understand how they could explain how he never knew his mother.
From what I remember he was still a baby or at most a toddler when Isabella died. I seem to remember Marlena stepping ina and Caroline babysitting him on occasion. According to Wikepedia Brady was born in May 1992 and Isabella died in October 1992
had Brady at the same time. Then they went to Italy because she was dying and wanted to go there. She died there. I believe Brady was barely a month old if that.
Yeah, I nearly LOL’d when I saw that the sarcophagus Vivian bought showed Isabella’s death as being 1992. I would’ve thought days would try to gloss over that seeing as Brady has been SORAS’d to WELL over 18.
but other than Isabella does anyone actually stay dead in Salem? With the exception of secondary characters killed off for plot purposes. No one else seems to stay dead.