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    Caroline admits to Kayla that she switched the test results.


    From: http://www.rogue-ejami.com/2010/10/21/ne-spoilers-for-the-week-of-november-1st/

    Who would have thought that?


    I figured it was coming down to that, but I still can’t figure out the WHY of it!


    but how could she know this was going on?


    I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! And, yeah, just as Kprstrs: why would Caroline do such a thing? Heck, how does she even know anything about it? In order for her to do such a thing, that would mean that she knows 1) Chloe cheating on Daniel; 2)  Daniel isn’t the father of the baby; 3) knew the best time to go and switch the test (I never knew she was so medically smart, in order to know how to even go about doing such a thing)/that neither Chloe, Philip, Carly or Stephanie wanted the baby to be anyones but Daniel’s, etc, etc, etc. 

    Wow. I guess Caroline doesn’t just waste her life at the Brady Pub, like we’ve all come to believe, after all. lol  



    is Grandma to Sami who is the Queen of the Baby Switch…(so perhaps it runs in the Samathagenes??? – I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist)…


     I still dont get how Caroline could have done it!!!   She hasnt even been on the show in the last month or more has she???   


     I still dont get how Caroline could have done it!!!   She hasnt even been on the show in the last month or more has she???   


    LOL That’s a good one, 53tdogs! Yeah, it must absolutely run in their genes! lol


    But you know how DOOL writers are…Once we the viewers start to see that it was Caroline all along, we’ll then get the "flashbacks" to how she went about doing it. It’s gonna be interesting seeing just how the writers unfold this SL. lol I can’t wait.


    Am I the only one happy that the writers are finally starting to use the veterans more in serious storylines?! Victor, Maggie, Stefano, Vivian…now Caroline.


    of their ages) but because of the history on the show and the fact that they are such good actors, they are using them more and more. 

    I am so tired of Caroline being a piece of furniture on the show – seems like ever since Shawn passed away – she’s either just cooking chowder or babysitting.  

    I never knew much of Maggie because she was always just a "fluff" piece in and out for almost the 20 years I’ve been watching and I just love her and want to see more of her acting. 

    Also, my dear Victor too – I love when he’s on and delivering a line like only Victor can do!  Stefano is great and I hope they use him to his full Mr. Badddddddddddddda- – self because he’s so good at it! 

    And Vivy once she gets out of the box is going to reek havoc – I predict we haven’t seen nothin’ yet when she gets her revenge on! 


     Add me too!  I love all the vets!   Vic is my fav too.  Hell I’m even enjoying Kate, never thought I’d say that!  I absoutely love Maggie too.  She’s fabulous.  I just wonder how Kate gets involved in Viv being in the coffin (easier to spell!!)  




    they are going to make me swallow THAT one…no way!


    Yeah, me too neither!!  But they say there is another ‘surprise twist’ to it.  I say "Whatever!!"


     and she’s protecting someone, but who … Stephanie, maybe?  I sometimes have to remind myself that Stephanie is her grandchild, too and that not everything is about Sami.  If Caroline somehow put two and two together because of Stephanie’s neurotic behavior, and realizing how much Stephanie has suffered from past failed relationships, she may have possibly figured it out …. but would she even know how to do it?  That’s where I have my doubts.  So, maybe she is just thinking that if Stephanie switched the results, she would protect her by taking the blame.  I don’t know, just guessing.  But, I still think it’s a ruse.  Just doesn’t make sense to me any other way.


     since Maggie knows the hospital routines very well and she’d want to protect Philip and Melanie.  We’d never expect it to be Maggie either.  I’d even think she might have gone to Victor but Vic would blow Chloe out of the water and leave her hanging alone and he wouldn’t want to hear that Phil was the daddy.



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