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    takes over the Kiriakis mansion and Titan.
    Vic ain’t gonna like this!


    he will get his revenge on Vivy sooner or later.  Just as long as nothing happens to my Victor…

    Additon to above note that I sent earlier:  Got to thinking about this a bit more when I was chatting with one of my Day’s pals…and I said – Poor Victor.  He may be down for the count but not out for sure, Viv is no match, even on her best day, to what Vic can do to her!  Vivy had better be careful and tread lighty or she may end up visiting Anna.   



    REALLY?! YIPPIE! I wonder if this will be apart of the soon-to-be divorce settlement? lol I’M SO HAPPY FOR MY HOME GIRL, VIVIAN! She’s one of my all-time favorite characters! And I can’t wait ’til she gets revenge of EVERY LAST SINGLE ONE OF HER ENEMIES!


    Perhaps this will be another move to protect his family.  He married her to keep her from hurting Carly and as a result Bo from killing her, so he was protecting Bo.  Since Brady was the one that put her in the sarcagophus this may be her payment for not hurting Brady or going to the cops with it or he may do it to keep her away from Maggie.


     Maybe Victor will have to move in Maggie’s because he loses it all to Viv in the divorce? and he’ll help her run Chez Rouge…and they’ll have lot’s of holiday parties…and everyone will get all dressed up…and then they’ll have a song that is just for them…and I am way too excited that Days may make the holidays special this year. I’m hoping.


    That sounds like the ‘good old Days’!!!


    There is no way in hell that Vivian can put one that big over Victor.  He’s nobody’s fool.  They’d better come up with something very plausible for me to swallow this one.



     that the writers are going to drag on forever.  Brady will be at the top of her very long hit-list, and then she’ll move on down it until she manages to cause utter chaos for every single person she knows were either involved with or knew about her time in the sarcophagus, until we’ll be screaming ‘PLEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEE, Calgon, take her away.’


     that’s what I’m hoping for! Wouldn’t it be cool if Victor and Maggie had to work together to get Chez Rouge back to being …THE place in Salem! and then everyone would have a place to go for celebrations and get all dressed up! I am really missing that type of things on Days…

    AND…did I miss Halloween in Salem? I don’t recall Ciara or Theo going trick-or-treating? 

    I hate when they ignore holidays.


    anything about Halloween at all.  Wonder what Thanksgiving is going to be…Hope may get turkey at the jail…but I’ve never seen Sami have any family thanks for her children at all as long as she’s had children. 


    LOL Speak for yourself, Patti! I’m lovin’ every minute of villain Vivian! LOL 


    How come the bad guys are always your favorites? 


    didn’t Viv just vanish when she threatened to kill Carly and cause Bo to take revenge? That was the reason he "married" Viv. A real God Father wouldn’t(in my opinion) marry her to protect his son. He would just "remove" her. And now, certainly, he would make sure she vanishes without a trace when she attempts to take over his business and home. Unless she has a poison or hypnotic device(remember Marlena?) that can control his mind but not kill him. We’ll see, I guess.


    LOL Honestly, Bonbon, I don’t know! There’s just something about rough, rugged and raw characters — well most of ’em — that I just can’t STOP loving! Come on, you have to admit that Vivian is a one-of-a-kind villian! I look forward to seeing her on screen ALL THE TIME (as long as she’s not in a casket). LOL

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