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    I don’t recall ever hearing he graduated.  Is he like a "Peanuts" character who is doomed to spend their entire life in elementary/high school?  Seems like none of the Days teens go to school or work except for Gabrielle.  (BTW, is she still a teen?)


    toasting Sami’s wedding they were drinking lemonade.  Chad is over 21 now from what it looks like didn’t his birth certificate show that?  I had originally thought Chad and Will were the same age. 


     I thought Chad was just a year older than Will.  But apparently now he’s a couple years older.  which doesnt really make any sense.  I think Gabby and Will are the same age. I think Will is still in high school.  I dont recall them ever mentioning he graduated.  


    I do remember when Chad was having a graduation party at the Cheatin Heart he had to get some sort of permission due to being under age and his mom was upset that he invited Will since he was younger.  I also either heard or read that he’d been lied to about this age and his birth certificate shows he’s actually older than he’s been led to believe his whole life.


     Yeah I do remember the graduation party, so I knew Will was younger,  but I forgot about him seeing the date and found out that he was older then he actually was.  But still what’s the point of just aging him a few years?   


    While everyone has suffered from SORAS, Will developed the opposite problem – Soap Opera Perpetual High School Syndrome. When the old, goofy dark headed Will, who ended up going to Switzerland, was on the show, he was in high school forever. Then he went to high school in Switzerland for a while. Then we’ve gone through two (?) more Will’s, and he’s still in high school! I don’t understand why they didn’t just let him, and Gabby for that matter, graduate with Chad and start at Salem U. It would make more sense that he’s never in school if he had a college class schedule. He needs to catch the SORAS virus!


    probably to show the extent Madeline went through to keep him from Stefano.  If Chad knew his actual birthdate then that would mean others in Salem would know and Stefano could do the math.  By having him think he’s a year younger than he actually is there’s no way it would slip out. 


    close to his real ‘birthday’ on the show which is 1995 making him 15.   If you really want to have some fun with the ages: Phil and Will were born in the same year (1995), Stephanie is only 5 years older than them (1990),  Stephanie should also be 2 years older than Brady, and the best one is EJ who should be 2 years younger than Will (born in 1997)!  lol


     but keeping them the same age for too long a time is just as silly.  If they’re going to keep pace with the storyline, as someone posted, Will was in high-school when he was played by Christopher Gerse, so he should have graduated by now and been at least a freshman in college by now.  But, tptb simply think dumb ole’ soap opera fanatics like us would never pick up on something like this.  Think again, idiots, or hire a head writer (whether she actually pens the show or not) to do the math —- or, in this case, the research.


    How old are Allie and Johnny now?  Will was in high school before they were born and it was right after that he went to Switzerland.  I know he was doing poorly in math but was it enough to have him keep repeating the same grade over and over?


    head hurt…but that was brilliant math SW – now I’m going to go take some tyonal.

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