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    While I liked the idea of Nathan taking over and reading the Christmas story, I really think the whole scene was too short.  I enjoyed the ever so brief flashback to Tom Horton reading the story in the 80’s.  In years past when someone is reading the Christmas story they would show what everyone was doing around Salem.  Sort of like a montage of what people are doing over the holidays.  A lot of families together or sad couples apart and longing for each other or whatever makes sense with the current storyline.  I liked that aspect of the show, but sadly they rushed past that just like they rushed the hanging of the ornaments on Christmas Eve.  At least Maggie got to sing. 


    I enjoyed the Christmas Eve and Christmas shows.  It is hard for shows to actually show two days in two hours and I think they did well.

    No complaints from me.  I enjoyed the flashback and picking Nathan to read it.  Very fitting.

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