Sami told Dr. Dan "one" of Rafes brothers was here. I didn’t know he had one brother, now he has more I think we have enough of his family running around. I just can’t seem to get interested in Dario, I wish he would just go away.
many brothers are in the Hernandez family!!! Ready for the answer?
Here goes: There are as many Hernandez brothers and sisters running around as the writers need to invent, or have miraculously appear in order to move their story line out of the corner that they’ve painted themselves into once again!
Look how many DiMera’s keep popping up all the time, now (Chad) and over the past years (EJ, Lexie, etc.)!
Dario, Chario,( who loves cereal) Arianna, Hairy Anna (the one no one talks about with the body hair problem), Gaby, Crabby (the one who is miserable all the time), and two who will surface someday, Herk Hernandez and an illegitimate one Hinkley Hernandez who will come to Salem to fall in love with any number of new Salemites without purpose or plot lines.
Can I lay down now? That hurt to have to think that up. LOL>……