Anyone remember a Dr. Colin Murphy from years ago. I found an old tape with part of an old episode on it. It was when Shawn D., Belle, Phil, Chloe & Mimi were still in high school. How many years ago was that? I think I remember that Dr. Murphy was killed or died somehow. Was he shot? He did have a thing for Jen at the time, although Jack was still there. Maybe they (Jen & Jack) were separated. Jen did mention that she had feelings for Colin.
Nicole shot him at her wedding to Victor. Then when JER was writing that horrible killer storyline where everyone was really alive on an island, Nicole found him there. I don’t remember him officially drowning, just that he disappeared when they were trying to leave the island, I think there was a storm at sea. I guess that was a way to leave room for him to return one day.
From what I remember about Nicole back then, she was a gold digger and wanted the money and power Victor would allow her.
I do remember Colin being back from the dead. I seem to remember her or someone else finding him in a room being held like a prisoner. At first they thought or were looking for someone else but at closer look it was Colin. I wasn’t quite sure what happened to him after that.
that Colin Murphy looked and sounded just like Quinn. Did they ever mention Quinn’s last name? I guess that Quinn is his first name. Days has been known to bring back a character as someone else.
yesterday and Quinn is not the same actor who played Dr. Murphy. Quinn is Australian and Dr. Murphy was Irish. I wonder what kind of accent they really had.