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    So last week on either Wednesday or Thursday when the whole hostage situation at the copshop was coming to an end I could swear I saw Ivan arrive at the police station and Vivian shouted "Ivan!"  This was right before the scenes for the next day were shown but it was definitely in the police station.  The following day we see Viv at Chez Rouge alone and then Ivan walks in with those two dancing women and Vivian seems surprised to see him as if she hadn’t seen him before then?  Did I miss something?  What happened?


    The same thing occured to me.  I guess we were supposed to forget that she had already seen him.  Yet another "duh" moment for Days.


    just shock at the two girls who sang the song to her. And then finding out Ivan had made it big and his proposition to take her to Bollywood, not that it was the first time she was seeing him.


    was just plain stupid.


     for how she felt she was treated, regardless of how full of herself others thought.  It was an outrageous discourtesy to this fine actress.


    I thought it was just the shock of the girls dancing, not the shock of seeing him.  I liked Ivan coming back and I liked how he made a life for himself and has a ton of money and is not dependant on her.  I also liked how odd of a thing it was, because he was always odd.  If it was, well I made a ton of money on the stock market, that would be boring and so not him.  So not the life of Vivian either.


    I just chalked it up to really poor editing. 

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