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    Yesterday or the day before,  Will used a key that he had to enter the Demera mansion.  Why would he have had a key?  He never lived there, only Chad.  I don’t think Chad would have given it to him for any reason. Also, why would he go in the mansion if nobody answered?  He was only there to give EJ the news in person that Johnny was found.


    when Sami & EJ were gonna get married this last time? Maybe I’m wrong… 


    Yeah I fought will lived there for a while too when Sami took the other kids there. That’s what I figured why he had it.


    Will got upset with Sami for screwing things up with Rafe and moved out of the apartment.   He moved in with Kate.  Then Sami’s apartment flooded and she had to move in there with the other kids which upset Wil since he just couldn’t get away from her.   This was before Chad’s mother died and he knew he was a DiMera.  He’d come to the mansion to see Wil and his mother had a fit that they were friends.


    key at one time, when Will stayed there.  However, can’t see him just barging into a place that he does not live anymore…that was really contrived…OR can the writers actually be writing THAT far into the future to give a key to Will months ago to be used on this key (pardon the pun) story line of Sami and EJ getting it on (what else do you call it?), because Johnny was thought to have perished by a kidnapper???  These are the kinds of questions that I think up when the show is driving me bonkers with this kind of stuff…any one?  Any one else?????


    Will resided there for a limited time.


    Will would have a key to his grandmother’s house.  If my g.kids lived closer, they’d probably have a key to mine.

    I never needed a key to MY g.parents home because they never locked their doors.  But, that was then…

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