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    Okay let’s talk about how over the top Lexie was with Abe today when she found out about the questions in advance deal.  I agree she has a right to be upset but to compare Abe to EJ and Stefano……c’mon!  Too much.  It’s wrong but in the grand scheme of things…Lexie cheated on Abe and stole Bo and Hope’s kid, granted she had raised him to that point but still.  She’s no saint and her behavior in the past has been far worse than Abe’s.  Just way over the top if you ask me.


    she keeps throwing out words and phrases condemning Abe for his "(dis)honesty; "integrity" and "you looked directly into my eyes and lied to me."  Boy, pretty selective memory when all I could picture was her many times in bed with Tek and others before him and making up one lie after another whenever he questioned her whereabouts.  Talk about hypocrisy, and what Abe has put up with over the years of her lies and indiscretions, she should be the LAST one to condemn him.  Now, though, she has suddenly grown a conscience.  Pitiful!


    That’s my solution to all of these stupid scenes. I’m not buying Lexi’s attitude or reaction, much less the self-righteousness.


    to let her have it and remark on her sullied history of betrayal. Who da heck does she think she is! That was so disappointing, to let Lexie get away with this holier than thou ‘tude.


    She’s given Stefano and EJ pass after pass over the years.  Abe makes one mistake and she’s huffing and puffing.  I hope Renee hated that dialogue as much as we did.


     I watched one tiny scene with them at the beginning of yesterday’s show and then I fast-forwarded the rest of their scenes.  Lexie’s behavior is not believable, even for a soap.


    Lexi–the cheating wife (once with Abe’s brother, once with Abe’s son and once with Abe’s co-worker) acting so saintly???? She’s also a baby stealing liar! Good grief!!! I know how she managed to pull out tears in that scene because I would have been laughing my a$$ off if I had that colored past and then had to speak so high and mightily!


    and agree with you, I think they meant for Lexie’s indignation to mean her disappointment in Abe himself, in that he had always been an upstanding and honorable man in the past and now his actions have gone against everything he had previously represented and displayed.  Not so much as Abe, the human being, had done these acts, whereas Lexie herself wouldn’t have.  I’m sure she’s well aware of her flaws.

    Did I get that across as I meant it?  Kinda hard to explain.


    every word you said about Lexie.  You described her perfectly!!!!



    every five years…and then is her normal sweet self for awhile. 


     Bonbon, I think I understand you meaning. Yes, Lexi has been a weak person when it comes to fidelity and covering up her misdeeds.  But in her eyes Abe has ALWAYS been above all that. (Except for the Fay thing). She expects her family to be evil and manipulating, but never thought that abe would stoop to that. Also she is embarrassed that she kept praising him as the perfect person, who would never do anything that hinted at scandal.  Now she is faced with the reality that he is a mere mortal who makes mistake.

    It is hard to accept because Lexi has such a checkered past.  It seems to be a reoccuring theme on Days—-people not being truthful, keeping secrets and of course  the truth always coming out.  Then there is the fallout.  Each of the main characters are experiencing keeping secrets. Personally, I believe that some secret are meant to be kept.

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