Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Just my opinion of Austin

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    I h ave thought since Austin(the actor)has been back on the show, that he acts and talks like a gay man. He would be a good one to play the part.  If there HAD to be a gay storyline(not my opinion), why couldn’t the writers have left Will alone and let Austin be the one to play the part.  It would have seemed more believable than the sl going now,



    on it, but from what I recall of Patrick’s earlier stint as Austin, I remember liking the character. I do think, for me anyway, the aging has something to do with it. Austin’s immature behavior doesn’t jibe with this guy in his 40s.
    Just seems another example of Days ruining a returnee. Although I do have to say his scene with Carrie today after he heard her proclaim love for Rafe was his best so far.


    Patrick’s voice being that high before.  I think that may have given you cause to think he seems gay.  I’ve always liked him in the part of Austin (exceedingly better than AP) but he just doesn’t seem to have the same appeal to me this time.  I don’t know why.  He must be a good enough actor because I know he’s made several feature films.  But then, like several of the other cast members who’ve made films, he’s back at Days so maybe not so good after all.

    It seems to me that the forehead wrinkles are what aged him.  Maybe he should look into a little Botox!  :o)


    I was taking a break from Days years ago when Patrick played Austin before, so I don’t have those memories, but I am starting to like him a lot more now. Casey is right, his scene with Carrie and Rafe on Thursday was awesome. Maybe the writers will give him a chance to shine some more on the show. I do hope they keep him on. I actually like it when actors age naturally.

    About Chad’s haircut…I thought his hair looked like a woman’s pouffy hairdo from the 60s! Yes, re-style his hair, please!


    Someone needs to sit on him while someone else takes the clippers to him.  He has the worst hair styles of all the cast.  Too bad too because he’s a fairly decent looking guy.


    Ever since Patrick Muldoon has returned, I find myself cringing during most of his scenes.  Maybe it’s just me, but I think his acting has been terrible.  He does have his moments once in a while, but for me, they are few and far between.  I think it’s just something about the way he speaks, and his mannerisms… I don’t know… just not enjoying him!


    Agree with ya about chads hair and overall appearance. He looks like a bum instead of a new up and coming model. I sooooooo don’t want to suffer through yet ANOTHER stalker story line!!!!


    that he has not aged as well as some others who have returned to the show after several years away.  I mean I think Drake and Dee, Doug, Julie, Matt, Melissa, for example, all look fabulous.  Patrick, to me, has not ….. but, it has to be that alone for me, other than the way he is being written.  As for Austin Peck, his role on One Life to Live before it tanked showed him to still be a good-looking guy, but still a horrible actor, IMO.  Both as Austin on DOOL, and the crazy porn pimp on OLTL, Peck’s acting will always sound like he’s reading right from a script to me, whereas Patrick, although shakey at first, seems to be doing much better.  His scenes yesterday with Rafe and Carrie, and the other day with Billie, have been much, much better.  Seems the only one he sucks with is Kate Mansi.  It looks incestuous from top to bottom to me, especially when they kissed.  Ugh!

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