Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Just a tad unbelievable?

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    So, Lucas has just been dumped by his finacé.  Shouldn’t he be just a little bit more broken up over this?  I mean, come on, he was supposed to marry this girl so I’d think he was probably very much in love.  But he sure got over it in a hurry and now he’s jumping in bed with (and committing to) Sami.  It’s like turning a switch off and on.

    In fact, Sami is the same way.  She loves Lucas, no, she loves EJ, no wait, she loves Rafe, now EJ again, now it Lucas.  Sheesh, at least give them a little time between their "true loves" to transition just a little bit before they’re all ga-ga over someone else.  This is all just so friggin’ unbelievable my eyes hurt from rolling them so much.

    Oh, good grief, why do I even bother?


    He goes off to take the call then comes back with the news and pretty much just shrugs it all off like a piece of lint. Excuse me??? He’s been touting her praises for how many weeks and then he’s totally unaffected by her dumping.

    And Sami is totally transformed into some sort of, I don’t know what to call her, but I just want to yell at Lucas to RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!


    caring so much for his fiancee when Sami first called him. He must have been carrying a torch for Sami (at least a little bit) all along, so when she called him, that torch lit up again.

    Now, Sami is another story. I can’t explain why she’s so fickle!


    maybe she thinks she needs a man in her life all the time (or several men)


    These horrible writers were taking beloved characters, ignoring their history, and writing them according to their own seemingly closed and untalented minds, destroying them in the process.  When I say ‘no one was paying attention,’ I truly mean it.  This last combination of writers that was just fired, that most boards refer to as "Mar-Dar" are responsible for the mess we now see before us, and evidently Ken Corday or Sony or NBC didn’t pay attention or noticed too late that their writing caused the ratings as well as DOOL to take a nose-dive.  By the time someone decided to step in (NBC I presume, according to one of these writers) and take the reins back from them, it was too late.  The barn door was left wide open and the horses (the tried, true and terrific characters we all once knew and loved) WERE GONE!

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