Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board What happened to Stefano?

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    Are they ever going to have a funeral for him and bury him?  Or is he going to remain in the Dimansion living room and just decompose there? 

    I certainly hope they aren’t going to let it end like this in order to leave it open for The Phoenix to rise again.

    And if they DO do something, will they cremeate him again?  Which, of course, should make it impossible for him to return, even though he’s done it in the past.  I don’t think we could accept that again.


    said that they shipped his body back to Italy for burial.


     But after a memorial, I heard nothing else :-/


    However, why would they just ship the body off to Italy and not have any of the family go along for the burial??? They wouldn’t do that and no one ever mentioned they were going along with the body. Strange. And, was there a memorial?? I didn’t see that but I have missed a show here and there.


    that Stefano’s body was shipped off to Italy for burial in accordance with the DiMera family wishes; but, I have to ask, WHAT FAMILY????  Except for Chad, he has none, even though E.J. probably still looks at himself as a DiMera, he probably thinks that Stefano would not have wanted him there.

    I just hope that was the real Stefano DiMera in that casket, dead as a doornail, never to rise from the ashes again (but I have to seriously doubt it).

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