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    was anyone else creeped out by the way Kayla kept running her hand over Jen’s pony tail recently?  It happened twice and it really was rather strange in my opinion. 


     I didn’t notice that but I’ll have to be on the look out.  That does seem kind of strange. 


     One of my best friends, who also happens to be a Dr. does this to me all the time. She’s always playing with my hair. I know they (her & Kayla) probably mean it as a sign of affection for a friend. On the other hand, I am NOT a touchy feely kinda girl. I don’t like people in my personal space and usually hate unwanted touch. I don’t find it creepy though, although to me, it’s annoying. I really think its a gesture of affection. Sometimes, I don’t think my friend even realizes she’s doing it while talking to me. Maybe Kayla is like that too?

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