Thinking a little further, I’m kind of disappointed they didn’t have Gabby go through with the abortion. I think the characters of Salem are all pretty one-sided when it comes to this topic. That’s why I was glad to see them address the issue when Mimi had her abortion. The only problem was how badly she was vilified for it. I guess that came about when Reilly decided to make everybody in Salem Catholic. There ARE people in the world who won’t condem someone for having one and I was hoping we’d see Gabby in this position with some support for her decision. To me (who is pro-choice if you haven’t guessed), sometimes that’s just the best option all around.
I realize that there will be a longer-lasting storyline this way but I’m really not ready for another pregnancy on the show. I hate the way they always have the women rubbing their belly all the time. That’s annoying. (Like Hope calling Jen "Cuz.")
So, how long do you think before it’ll come out that Will is the daddy?