Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board I am so ticked at the EJ crap

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    wth writers couldn’t come up with anything better then this? Throwing his little girls clothes into the water and making it look like she is dead is just too much! I was so irritated at that today and Sami’s whinning it physically gave me a pain in the neck and i wanted to turn the channel.  At this point I would love to see Nichole save Sydney and get sole custody of her..she would be better off.  I had ENOUGH of this story.


    Did anyone notice that EJ threw the plastic bag that the clothes were in down on the dock?  Wonder if that will play out as a clue when Rafe goes down to the dock.


    where’s the cop’s – he’s littering!  Salem PD may not be able to catch themselves in a net, but they’d sure come down on a litter bug!  And did anyone notice that Abe read the Miranda to Vivy today – yes, he’s the mayor and the cops work for the mayoral office, however, there was a female cop standing right behind Vivian, he should have just given her the order to arrest Viv.

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