Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board I must have missed a lot

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    while Obama was talking. What happened to Adrienne that Justin said she shouldn’t have had to go through that? And how did Sami find out that Stefano was back to stay? And what was Marge attacking Rafe about?

    Who says if you miss an episode you don’t miss anything?


     1. Marge saw Adrienne and let her have it. She states that they are celebrating over their victory that has destroyed her family.When Adrienne defends Justin, Marge goes after her, stating trhat Adrienne pretended to be her friend only to turn on her. Marge had decided that Justin and EJ ruined her life, but the real truth will come out.

    2. Sami comes home to Stefano rehanging his portrait. She goes crazy and tells him to get out of her house. She tells him that she will call  EJ and EJ will throw him out. Stefano tells her to calm down and to all EJ.  As he stands there she realizes what has happened.

    3. Marge sees EJ leave Rafe’s room and states that EJ had gotten Rafe to lie about "her Joe" to help his"trampy ex wife".


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