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     I was trying to hang in there through this whole thing hoping she would turn it around but she is practically trying to rape Eric at this point.  Hasn’t that already happened enough to this guy?  He said he didn’t want to do it.  That’s it.  Deal with it horn dog!  That whole bit with the open shirt and unhooked bra is pathetic and frankly it’s making a fool of Eric as well.


    except the problem is we were led to believe she truly was changing. The lengths she went to to clear his name – even knowing he loved her – to me just does not jibe with her recent very selfish behavior. Eric made his views clear to her and Nicole is just blatantly disregarding it and making a hissyfit scene. I’m beginning to think Marlena was right in saying Nicole was incapable of true love.


    the man is still a priest in his heart, and no means no, Nicole. This could be defined as “emotional” rape, IMO. I really hope she gets caught hiding the evidence now so that Eric can see who she truly has been all along. Too bad, because the writers were doing so well with her redemption; but, like everyone else’s story in Salem, if you aren’t the villain, you aren’t worth writing about.


    It’s so easy to write Nicole as she was instead of as what she was becoming.  How in the hell do these people stay employed?  Yes, I am POed about this.


    I just kept thinking how indignant she was when he accused her of being the one that raped him. Doesn’t seem so far fetched now!


    they are writing for Nicole now. I can understand we aren’t going to see a total 360 degree turn-around but, geeze, that scene was going a little too far for me. No, I should way, WAY too far. But then, too, why did Eric let it go as far as he did. He should have stopped her before hitting the bed. Did he think she wanted to take a nap?


     It’s making Eric look stupid.


     Too bad Nicole didn’t just give over all the evidence to clear Eric.  There still would have been a good storyline from this.  With this new evidence, Eric could have made the decision to return to the priesthood and pine over Nicole.  Or, he could have decided to be with Nicole while yearning to be a priest again.  They didn’t have to go this route of Nicole going back to her old ways, especially where she risked her life trying to clear her name. 


    I do like your storyline!


     As soon as Nicole put the shredded material in the park trash can, I figured JJ would be right behind her on his community service duty.

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