Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board I loved today’s episode and that pisses me off

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     The wedding was fantastic.  Caroline and Lucas’s speeches were incredible.  Everyone was happy and behaved like adults.  Even Sami.  I know a gay wedding is a milestone on daytime so they pulled out all the stops.  Here’s the thing, so they have writers capable of actual emotion and realistic writing, where the hell are they the other 90% of the time???  Where are the writers for the straight characters?  Why the same crappy stalker, who’s your daddy, love triangle retreads?  Now that I know there are folks at the table with a brain I expect to see it reflected across all storylines!


    Let’s see this level of writing every day, now we know they can do it. Dump the retread storylines and write with heart. Let the characters grow and struggle with that growth. Nicole was on a path of real growth and change and it was an interesting storyline, then they put her back in her old ways and it is almost unwatchable. There is some real conflict between her and Eric, it would be interesting to see two people who love each other work through their different world views in a honest way. Let Nicole confess what she did and let’s see where that goes. Let’s see JJ continue to grow and struggle to relate to the world without drugs and anger and maybe he can help Brady on the same journey. There is so much in the way of stories beyond Jerry Springer-inspired plots


    I expect to see Teresa possessed by the devil and maybe Eric will exorcise her!


    these writers certainly do possess the talent to create moving, heartfelt stories that can keep me glued to my chair while watching, but they are so few and far between that I can’t help asking what’s stopping them from continuing with story lines that keep me wanting to come back for more. I think this gay wedding, as well as the emotional yet brilliant acting of everyone involved with it, will be a huge success with most fans, and hopefully between message boards and social media, maybe Corday and SONY as well as NBC will recognize it. I know there’s some big things leading up to May sweeps, so hopefully this is the start of continuing that road toward another Emmy for DOOL and for its actors nominated.

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