is another example for me to say to these writers…REALLY??? Either put them together or let them move on, but this to me has been another way too long…way too dragged out storyline, kinda’ like a bridge to nowhere. I’m still in favor of Eric returning to the priesthood, but if we’re going to have him acting all priestly and devoted to God and his vocation while at the same time his heart is aching for Nicole (especially with all these annoying and constant flashbacks this show is bombarding us with now in all it’s stories), then NO, thank you! I personally would rather see an actor be GONE (yes, like AS and JS will soon be) than to watch them constantly battling their relationship, and that’s what is happening to two of my favorite actors now, AZ (who simply will not be afforded a decent writing break) and GV, who faces the same fate. Just like Dannifer, the constant angst is not this fan’s idea of good story telling. I just wish someone in power would come to their senses and realize who affects their show’s ratings….fans who wait anxiously to watch each day, or fans who don’t!!! Rant over now!!! LOL!!