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    I’m just back from the hospital after the THIRD surgery on my hip in 2 1/2 months. I’m in a big brace from my midriff to my knee to keep the ball and socket in place. This is the most trying thing that has ever happened in my life and it took every shred of mental strength to get through it but I hope the worst is past. After two weeks I get out of this contraption and can start the real rehabilitation.

    Anyway, I say this because I have missed most of a week of shows. I didn’t want to watch the later ones until I saw the early ones so just haven’t watched any at all. I’m looking forward to a marathon of Days tomorrow…so don’t anybody call me. :o)


    It must be so nice to be home and I’m hoping you stay there and begin an upward road of health. You certainly deserve to catch a break (no pun!)
    As for Days as always looking forward to your thoughts. Be well.


    I was happy to see your name on the post, I know there is no place like home, Enjoy catching up and FF …smile.
    The brace you have to wear sounds very uncomfortable, ( but you’re home and that’s a good thing) I am sending prayers and good thought your way, and be safe moving around with that brace on , I hope you have someone at home to help you.


    I hope your recovery is going smoothly and that you are still on track to have the brace removed. This week? 


    No, I’m still in the brace. I see the doctor again next Wednesday when he’ll do x-rays to see how everything is progressing and I’ll find out then. I don’t expect to get out yet though as my leg still can’t support me on it’s own. Once the bone (femur) is thoroughly healed I have to see a neurologist to see if it’s a nerve problem. Very frustrating but… Patience, Bonnie, patience!



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