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     Theresa actually brought tears to my eyes today when she was talking about the baby needing the rattle.  Is this going to be another character where I’m gonna have to eat my words about?


    the actress.  I’m really hoping they make the character likeable. 




     on her way to redemption, but she still has a long way to go to suit me.


    Love her or hate her the actress emotes very well from one second to the next.
    She has great range and today with the rattle and the tears really made up
    feel sorry for her for one of the rare times.
    Surprised that Anne was not there to offer her pathetic two cents worth. It will
    be interesting to see how the baby story plays out if Kristin shows up with a bundle
    of joy in March or whenever her scenes begin.


    I have no sympathy for Teresa.  She has been the worst person I have

      ever seen.  Her manner has been despicable.  I was hoping she would have left and gone back to CA. 

    I can’t believe that Brady would stand there with Teresa and let her spit out her venom.   Thank goodness he told her she doesn’t know how to love.   I can’t ever seeing her with a baby.  Poor baby(if there is one) would probably have a horrible life with a woman like Teresa.  I don’t see her ever changing into being decent.  Oh if she would just leave.

    I really don’t think she has a heart.



    that scene would even be written if Kristen were not going to return w/kid in tow.


    I forgot that Melanie lost a child and perhaps somehow Theresa
    who lost a child (but does not realize it) and Melanie may settle
    their differences and actually show humility and humanity to one
    I know Theresa deserves no sympathy but how many characters
    on the show we not love were once as despicable as Theresa has
    been and became fan favorites and decent people through
    accepting their faults and mistakes and having other forgive them

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