Is the killer’s necktie a calling card? Should we find a lead in this or simply just the mode of murder? Wonder how long before Marlena gets called in.
I guess the necktie is a clue although it doesn’t really seem like that is the method of murder since it just seems to be draped around the neck, not wrinkled or tight, just laying there like a scarf.
But if I see Eric again wearing a necktie which he never used to wear, and which I might add Chad NEVER wears, I might put him even higher on my suspect list. Although was the necktie the same color as the one around Serenas neck?
So Chad left DiMansion and got a flower petal on his shoe, walked all over the place with it still on said shoe or wherever, and it falls off in the shower? Has to be a plant (pun intended).
that the murderer is definitely a man, since the strength required to strangle a person to death would be a greater ordeal for (forgive me ladies) the supposedly ‘weaker’ sex than the stronger, i.e., a man is the killer. Women usually revert to poison….or they’ll just shoot a sucker! LOL!
and I already explained why in another thread, but it was definitely left there to frame Chad, and not by the killer, who in my version already left the scene of the murder. I think this person came in to plant it after Paige was dead.