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    When Maggie had put it out there that Bo’s locale is no where near Greece, the wreckage found is in the Mediterranean, then brings up that Victor was never in Greece, then they put it out there that he had left 3 days before he should have left, they were able to determine that the body was found, was Victor’s, when he never told them at all as to where he was at all. To me, Victor set it up to have his family believe that he’s dead all because of his son’s illegalities, given as to what Phillip did to Brady is monstrous to do to his family, don’t you think?


    This is how I see it. Maggie knows that Bo is not in Greece. I do remember when they stated Bo was going to be moved to somewhere where he could get more help. That is a known. What no one knows, is why Victor would have been near Greece. I am guessing this is how Phillip returns to Salem. Victor was visiting Phillip in Greece. I believe Victor is dead, because we all know John Aniston is dead. It would be disrespectful to have Victor still alive, in my opinion. Phillip is going to have to come back and face the music. That is going to be his story when he returns.


    But remember, it may have been played up that Maggie knows that Bo is not in Greece, but has there been any story at all that was put out there as to where Phillip was moved to. No, so you tell me how we can assume that Phillip is in Greece, given no story for the viewers to know that’s where Phillip is? Then they have Shawn to call his mom, relays a message to Maggie, that Victor left 3 days before his departure status, then the debris found in the Mediterranean. With all the people that knows that Phillip’s alive, why didn’t anyone have alerted Harris Michaels, who with his Naval Seal training & connections to find the debris & the body that way instead of having the ISA to do it?

    Then, with how Hope had put it out there that he left 3 days before he was suppose to, they can prove that the body that was found was Victor’s, when Peggy had passed, they had a body double for Peggy to hold Massey’s Will in her arms telling him that it isn’t his time yet & yet, they have this story to play out for Victor & Aniston’s death by subjecting Victor, to bodily harm?

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