Brandon Walker does not have ESP to know about Nicole’s child’s death, given that it was never brought up as to who had him to know of it, so why the excessive phone-calls every 5 seconds that Nikki-girl had brought up to her step-daddy, Abe?
They did it again with Jada Hunter. They waited for 30 years & had Kayla & Steve to know of Marcus’ death when they first encountered his daughter showing up on the scene, as it were, when they never covered as to who had informed them of it, now have they?
How is Karma going to take a bite out EJ’s ass, to speak, he’s not the one who’s bringing Abs’ murderer in the family business, that’s Stefan’s doing, not EJ.
Clyde would never act on taking it out on Tripp, he needs Tripp to stay alive, so he can keep his power over Ava, once he puts it out there that he will act on it, would end his power over Ava, now wouldn’t it?
I can’t see Ava allowing herself to help with the funneling of drugs through DeMira Enterprises, by way of Harris’ keys, given the board of the same business knows who had killed Abs would never allow Stefan to welcome Clyde into the business fold, now would they?