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    With how they had played up DVD’s character going to an assisted living facility, & they have played up of him calling his son & his daughter-in-law, A Happy New Year, isn’t it very odd that no one knows where Belle went or play up her contacting anyone the way that John had contact with his father, or is Belle coming back?


    From what I’ve read, Martha Madison was let go several months ago. However, the writers didn’t give her some grand send-off, they just made her disappear. No explanation as to where she is. We never saw her say she was leaving town, going to visit Claire, joining Shawn, nothing! I know they wanted MM to be recurring and just come on periodically and she said no, which I don’t blame her. So I have no idea what is happening with the character.

    On another note—original Belle, Kirsten Storms, just abruptly left GH. I know she’s done that several times, but that has been because of health issues. Maybe she would be willing to come back to Days as a recurring character instead of an on contract character on GH.


    What I’m getting at is that with how they had played up DVD’s character in an assisted living facility calling his son & wishing his son & his wife Happy New Year, they should have been able to play up the explanation as to where she is, i.e. bringing up her calling her parents to wish them that, don’t you think?


    I agree. However, I bet they played up DVD calling to wish Merry Christmas because of John’s upcoming pawn storyline.


    How would DVD’s character have anything to with the Pawn Storyline, given that no one even knew about the story involving the fake Robichaux & the real Robichaux back then? Then isn’t odd that when this Pawn Story was written was before the replacement writer came in for Alaar, she gives the go ahead for the story given that when Alaar was let go, she doesn’t make the decision to scrap the story, given who penned it when was let go?

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