Home Forums The Annex Board Getting Through to Holly

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  • #60953

    Two things: How-come no one knows that Holly ran out on her own accord, showing that she od’d before Tate had found her, wouldn’t that show the narcotics were hers & not Tate’s?

    Then this: How-come Tate didn’t bring up that he’s sorry as to what Nicole had to go through, he should relayed to Holly, if her mother is strong enough to survive what she had went through, she would be strong enough for Holly to tell her mother the truth instead in having EJ sending Tate to join Dimitri von Leuschner, right?


    Bigger questions—why didn’t Holly say Tate didn’t break-in and enter? He tapped on the window and she let him in. Why doesn’t the Bistro, or whatever that restaurant is called, have cameras that showed Holly taking those drugs of her own free will? Why are the stupid writers trying to make this out as Holly being rufied? No one gives someone fentanyl in order to have sex with them. That’s a sure way to kill someone. And Days should have the balls to say it was fentanyl. That is what’s killing kids across this country. Call it what it is.

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