Home Forums The Annex Board Pregnant Not Radiation Poisoning

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    I have a feeling that what Chanel might be playing up is how her body is reacting to being pregnant, not being affected by radiation. Think about it, don’t you think that it’s odd that the radiation that kept Paulina under solitary confinement in the hospital, automatically that it’s okay for her to go home, that Chanel, Johnny, Julie & Paulina were given thumbs up & okay to go home, given with what Marlena had brought up that Julie was found & that Paulina & daughter, Johnny & Julie were given the ability to go home & yet only have that being mentioned & yet, with Marlena walking into a radiated room was never checked up by anyone at the hospital?


    I think you might be right about the pregnancy. Just hope Chanel didn’t get a bit of radiation after all that might hurt the baby.


    I think that’s where they’re going with this. Chanel is pregnant but got a dose of radiation that may interfere with the pregnancy.

    I also questioned why Marlena walked into Paulina’s restricted hospital room without a hazmat suit. It made no sense.


    I kind of doubt that the radiation is going to interfere with her upcoming pregnancy, because let’s say that he planted the embryo, so-to-speak before she went missing & lot of time passed & let’s say that she fell into a snowbank, if the snowbank didn’t do any damage at all, I can’t the radiation would do any damage, now would it, think about it, think about it if Marlena wasn’t affected due to a radiated hospital room, do you really think Chanel’s fetus is going to be harmed by her mother’s radiation treatment?


    I’m back! Now I’m going to try and catch up. Just read about Chanel being pregnant. I honestly think she’ll be ok. Janel needs a happy story.

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