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    Jada’s gut is telling her something is off, especially after rereading the “suicide note”. Melinda and Ava discussed Connie living in Lee’s old apartment and some other strange things about her. Gabi noticed both Lee and Rafe were stabbed in the back. Chanel and Johnny now think Connie is strange after their encounter in the square. How and who will put all this together? I read a while ago that Leo will remember Connie leaving Bobby/Everett’s room. That’s potentially a big clue.

    I’m ready for the Salem PD to solve this. This story has held my attention. The teen, Brady and Fiona mess has not.


    I don’t know, but I certainly hope she’ll be caught soon. I absolutely hate this storyline and I’m still upset over Everett’s death. Blake Berris is a fabulous actor and I will miss him.


    I would have preferred they explored Everett’s past and explained why he got DID rather than kill him. It’s a story that is left dangling with unanswered questions. Poor writing.


    to me I see Connie as a knock-off of Susan Banks, she too had done unfathomable things as well, yes, granted, she never shivved people in the back, but still she did let the entire town of Salem to believe that a certain Horton was dead for 2 years & that she erased all of his memories, but she did say that she also wanted to kill him, herself, all because she believed that it was Sami who murdered her Elvis, i.e. EJ. But Connie is wacky, a little bit of a loon, off her rocker, so to speak, because she was talking to a cardboard cut-out of Li that came alive in her mindset. I hope that Connie is not busted for anything. Think about it, if you multiply the national debt 90 billion times, that would equate to the amount of viewers that want Connie to finally stuff & mount GabStef’s asses to the wall. Don’t you think that should happen & have Connie to do it herself?


    I hope Connie gets caught and is sent to prison. She’s killed two people and the third one is in a coma. She’s a danger to the people of Salem.

    She’ll cause Stefan and Gabi trouble by telling Gabi about Stefan sleeping with Ava.


    I get that Connie has killed two people & that she did put the third one into a coma. I do get that she’s a danger to the people of Salem. But how is she a danger to the people of Salem, when no one knows about her actions at all. Yes, granted that Susan never did what Connie did, but it does mirror what she did, Susan never went to prison for her actions, now did she? Yes, Connie will cause a lot of grief for Gabi & Stefan, but someone has to stuff & mount GabFan’s asses to the wall, so why shouldn’t it be Connie? No one sees it coming now do they. No one’s onto her, right? Look at all the things that Stefano had done, but he never went to prison for it, now did he, that was Shane Donovan wasn’t it? It may have been Joseph Mascolo, in a non-speaking role, but still, it was Shane’s Stefano at that Masquerade, wasn’t it? Those scenes, meaning the non-speaking scenes of Mascolo’s was because it was after that when Joseph Mascolo passed away. RIP: Stefano.


    She’s a danger to the people of Salem precisely because no one knows of her actions at all.


    I get what you are saying, but what I’m getting at is that the rest of the town has nothing to fear when it comes to her, the only reason as to why she shivved Li was to make Gabi & Stefan pay. The main reason as to why she shivved Rafe, was to have Bobby to win back Jada, with Bobby slash Everett dead, there’s no need for her to be a danger to anyone else, now does she? They need to keep Connie on, because I have a feeling that Connie plans to shiv Ava & Stefan is so she can frame Gabi for it, that way they can kill Ava & Stefan off & have what has the rest of the town to learn about Stef’s affair with Ava to give her motive to shiv the both of them, that way, Connie slinks off into the darkness & not be seen again, because she got rid of the trash by having Gabi going down for the murders of her unfaithful husband & his mistress, the Mafia Princess.


    Now she’s a danger to Melinda. Where does the killing end? She’s a danger to the people of Salem. Her circle of enemies is expanding. Plus, she’s crazy.


    With the actions that Melinda had done i.e. with Sloan, you tell me as to how she shouldn’t get what’s coming her way, i.e. what Connie plans to do? I’m not defending Connie’s actions at all, but Gabi, Stefan, Trask, they all should get their asses stuffed & mounted & no matter at all as to who does it, now does it? Connie isn’t a danger to the people of Salem, she does if it’s known that she had shivved Rafe, she does if it’s known what she did to Everett & does it, meaning, does the town know of that at all & if they don’t, is Connie a danger to all of them, especially given that she wanted Jada back with Bobby, that she wanted to destroy Gabi & Stefan with they had done to Li Shin. See my point now. There was a need to get rid of Jan Spears when she kicked Evan in his solar plexis & into the drink as it were & she slinked off with her child with Shawn. Yes, Shawn is the bio-daddy to Jan’s, the reason is because she got herself pregnant when a possessed Marlena for a couple of Halloweens ago for when she transformed Jan into Belle Black & that was before she was “knocked up ” as it were by Evan, right? Think about it, John had attacked & strangled Jan, & she ended up in a coma & was shackled to her hospital bed, then a possessed Marlena transformed her into Tripp, so she could be transformed into Belle, the only way I can see Evan being the baby-daddy is if she was in prison with him when Orpheus was in prison at the time that John & Steve needed Orph’s help when Kate, Kayla & Marlena were dying thanks to Megan. I kind of doubt that Evan was still in Salem, when that played out, right?


    Which is it, Melinda should get what’s coming to her from Connie, or I’m not defending Connie’s actions?


    All I’m getting at is that, even though I don’t agree with Connie’s actions, her actions have to happen because all the people in Connie’s mindset should get what’s coming, no matter if I don’t agree with her actions, that is all.


    Connie doesn’t care what Melinda and Sloan did, she only cares about the fact that in her mind, Melinda prevented her from being with Li.

    For me what still doesn’t make sense is why Connie killed Li. She supposedly has this obsession with him and yet she killed him instead of trying to win him over. I know he told her he wasn’t interested in her, but wouldn’t that make her try harder to get him? Why kill him? It still makes no sense if she were just trying to get revenge on Gabi and Stefan. That would mean she planned to kill Li, so that she could get Gabi locked up. How did she know Gabi was coming over? This whole story really got crappy when they decided to give Creepy Connie airtime. A useless character that is now eating of every day of every show. I can’t wait until this storyline is done. It’s useless.


    I see what you are getting at. This is my take, how does Connie know anything of Gil Carter, given that Connie wasn’t conceived when Ava killed Gil, so how would she have known that Gil wasn’t the one that killed Li, so I do get what you are getting at, but don’t you think that it’s odd that they haven’t even played out as to how Gil Carter’s prints were on the bloodied book?


    I actually think Connie was conceived. Remember when Li and Melinda were using a matchmaker? I think Connie was matched to Li, as was Melinda. I think that may have been when Melinda tried to record Li confessing to trying to kill Stefan again to be able to keep Gabi for himself. Then Li got pissed and decided to try again and that’s how he met Connie. All prior to Gil’s murder.

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