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    the question that is on the top of my head is this, I find it very odd that with how EJ & Justin both agreed to drop the charges on Brady & that Brady is let go, that they put into motion to allow Fiona to try to suffocate Sarah to death with a pillow, especially given that she knows who left her with Sarah. Why risk that? Then I want to see more of this “ABBY”, because with how Dr. Green had put it out there that we are the only family you know of, showing that she’s Abigail, so I find it very odd that she is willing to turning off & on & off & on & off & on to go into the Abigail mode, don’t you think that’s odd given that Dr. Green had told her “we are the only family you know of” giving the perception that she’s Abigail & she keeps it at to switch in the Abby mode at will?


    First of all, as of Friday’s show, Fiona does not know that EJ has released Brady. She still believes Brady is pleading guilty. That means no trial, just straight to jail. She doesn’t know what has transpired. And Xander left her with Sarah. He has no idea that his mom is a drunken wack job.

    As for faux Abby, she’s not Abby. This week Steve is going to start investigating and he does not believe she is Abby, either. She and Dr. Green are running a con and I believe it’s some sort of revenge against the Dimeras or the Hortons or Jack and that revolves around their parents’ deaths. They keep bringing up the deaths so I’m sure that is going to figure into this storyline.


    I laughed when Steve says to Kayla, the COS, DNA results at the hospital have been wrong before.

    Dr Greene seems likable, I don’t like Days turning him into a bad guy. I hope he’s being threatened by Clyde or that there is some extenuating circumstance going on.
    We’ll see how it plays out. I think Clyde, the accident, and Poplar Bluff are all related somehow. I have also read that perhaps Chad or someone else from the big Salem families was involved in the accident somehow and the fake Abby is revenge.


    But didn’t Dr. Greene tell this “ABBY” we are the only family you know of, indicating that he knows that she’s Abigail & with her mindset, she’s believing that she isn’t Abigail, so I can’t see that she isn’t given that she’s been told that we are your family that you do know, right? Then this, explain why this “ABBY” clutched this photo of Abigail & Chad, see my point now? Then this, it’s very odd that she keeps putting it on & off, on & off, on & off at will & yet has to be told that the Greene family is the one she knows, right? That’s why I don’t believe for one minute that Dr. Greene knew of the dna testing before they agreed to it & that there’s no narrative at all to explain as to how that he has Abby’s DNA to give the illusion that this woman is Abigail.

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