Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board I don’t get Nicole

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    It’s more of a plot driven storyline again.  Why would Nicole even care what EJ says?  She knows she didn’t do anything and if EJ tries to frame her the police aren’t likely to believe a Dimera anyway.  If the Dimera’s wanted her gone they wouldn’t need a set up like that to do it.  I don’t understand why she should even concern herself with it at all.


     open?  She loved being the rich, "Mrs. DiMera"!  I wouldn’t be surprised if EJ were to ask her back into his life, she’d jump so fast you’d only see the dust.  Plus, having been in prison, she doesn’t want to go back.  She only got out by blackmailing Anna so she knows she could go back and never get out again even if it is EJ making up the lies.  She hurt the Bradys by taking Sydney and then losing her – they are the Salem PD these days!


    It’s true that anything is possible but if they are willing to lie about this than they could just make up something else too.  It will never end.  I wouldn’t worry until there was a reason to.



    With EJ, Ariana and Hope, all against her, they may just manufacture some evidence against her.  I would be very concerned about it.  This is one time that she is completely innocent of this crime.



    Yeah I guess she has so many enemies she has to be paranoid no matter what.


    I was hoping for a little redemption after all that she did, but she’s learned absolutely nothing from her mistakes.  Shame, because I hate her again and I really didn’t want to do that.


    to get "framed" by EJ, Ariana, and "crazy" Hope innocent or not.  Nicole has done so many hideous things in her life and she just keeps on and on being a witch – I thought she would learn from being in jail and come back as a more sympathetic charecter, but no, she’s still the same ol’ mean, conniving Nicole.  So go get her EAriope! 


    Not until Kate gets what coming to her first.  She has waaaaaay more evil deeds to atone for than Nicole.  Then let’s add Stephano, EJ and even Victor. 

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