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     She got on my last nerve Friday with her treatment of Jennifer.  I certainly understand her being upset about Eric but he is a grown man and nobody "made" him get drunk.  Plus what a rude way to bring up the whole pain killer issue!  So much for your concern about her.  I am all for tough love where addiction is concerned but there is really no way you can blame Jennifer for this.  She clearly has her own issues.  Marlena being a therapist and also supposedly like family to Jennifer should have handled this a bit better.  I am really over her holier than thou attitude.  Eric deserves jail for what he did.  Let him face the consequences.  


    when Jennifer said, think about why I took a pain killer in the first place. 

    BTW, Jennifer is not a good crier either.


    First of all, as a psychiatrist, that’s no way to talk to someone in trouble/pain. And, as you say, isn’t she supposed to be like family? But at least Jen had the perfect comeback and that shut her up. I certainly hope that she apologizes to her.

    Actually, when Roman said the judge gave him five years, everybody acted like he was going to the gallows. I thought that was pretty lenient for taking a life, accidental or not.


    Marlena feels conflicted about understanding how or why she felt they both put Eric in the position of upsetting the court by showing up late for his sentencing.  Let’s face it, they chose to spend night consuming a very deadly combination of pills and alcohol, knowing that Eric had to be in court early the next morning, and all Marlena sees is her beloved son getting an even higher sentence because of their reckless decision to ignore it; and, for what, it’s not as if it was going to continue.  Of course, they’re going to make Marlena out to be the heavy here, but I can totally understand her actions.  She will, of course, forgive Jennifer at some point and possibly work with her to try and help her, if only because Eric asked her to look out for Jen.  She even admitted that she would, so I can’t see where Marlena was that unreasonable.  Marlena was wracked with pain herself.  Eric may be an adult, but he is still her loving child, whom she adores.  So, I guess I can cut her some slack here.

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