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    Ciara’s rape story aside, prior to yesterday, the teens mostly just bored me.  Now, they have become a bunch of bratty little prince and princess wannabe’s and they are ALL on my last nerve.  Their parents need to put their damn boots to the ground and start treating them like they deserve to be treated.  Bunch of spoiled, entitled, disrespectful little jerks who need more than a night in jail with no consequences to wake them up.  I’m sick of them all at this point.


     Yesterday JJ, Clair and Ciara all walked out on their parents when they were talking to them.  No parent should allow that kind of  disrespect.  They should have told them to, "Come back here immediately and you don’t leave until I tell you you can leave."  I heard my sister say once (she had three bratty boys all one year apart so were all teens at the same time) when one of them walked away.  When she told him to get back here and he said you can’t make me.  She said, "No, I can’t but if you leave, don’t think you’re coming back again."  That made him stop and think because she didn’t make idle threats.  What we see coming from these parents, it’s all, "Oh, my poor little darling, life has treated you so badly but let mommy help you get through it.?  Come on, they are all adults now and need to put their big girl/boy panties on and behave like one.


    it seems the only M.O. for a teen is a self-indulgent bratty one always in trouble. Even Theo is getting a bit uppity w/Abe.
    I get infuriated when I see parents giving their kids choices at way too young an age. Four year olds should wear what the mom puts out for them. And eat what the parents puts on the table.

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