Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Ciara and Chad

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     Yeah I’m calling this.  Multiple mentions that she is "18 and an adult."  It took all of one day for her to be invited to live on Dimera property.  While Abby is in the hospital struggling with her mental state Ciara is raising her baby and confiding in Chad.  Even Hope mentioned he wasn’t like his father or else Abby would never have fallen in love with him.  Guess she forgot about her fling with EJ.  This will also cause a rift between Hope and Rafe since he floated the idea of Hope giving Ciara more space.  Just my opinion on what’s coming up.  BTW, even Billy Flynn will not be able to force chemistry with the actress who plays Ciara.  If this is what they want to do, now would be a good time for a recast.


    something between Chad and Ciara? I can’t imagine it would be on his part?


     I hope I’m wrong but that is what I’m smelling here.


     me too….I hope we’re wrong..


    a high schol senior should be allowed to live w/a man in his home. I don’t care if she is 18. That is still a teenager.


     I definitely want to be wrong but didn’t JJ sleep with Eve when he was still in high school?  18 is legally an adult. I predict Abby continues to decline.  Ciara refuses therapy and begins to confide in Chad.  Eventually the little defacto family will bond.  Poof automatic love triangle.  Also Hope will be mad at Rafe.  I hate this whole idea but I think this is the direction we’re headed in.


    charge and told Chad not to make/rescind that offer. Even if she and Claire do stay in the guest house. Wonder how or if Claire will factor in except as a sounding board for Ciara?


     Yes not quite sure how Claire fits into all this.


     on everyone, including Chad and Thomas, and because of this it will bring Ciara into a situation where she definitely does not belong at her young age, but she will probably see it as a need for a stand-in mother/caregiver for Thomas, as well as just being there for Chad and Thomas.  I think if any feelings other than doing her job will perhaps lead to more, it will be on Ciara’s part by developing a crush on Chad and feeling truly bad for Chad and what he will be going through with Abby in the coming weeks.  Will he reciprocate those feelings?  I sincerely hope not, but I can see that happening.  As far as seeing Chad’s feelings turn to anythng more for Ciara than that, I don’t know….you can only push someoen who loves you away for so long before they stop looking your way and look toward someone who shares your feelings, especially if they are rejection.  Maybe her strong feelings for Theo will stop her from reading anything further into it.  Right now, I think it will be all about Thomas and since Jen still has not yet come to grips with her own problem of being addicted to pain pills, and J.J. has his job as well as Gabi and Ari to keep him busy, and Hope is going to have some major problems coming up beginning next week with her own life and love(s), I don’t see any other way for this sl to play out for Ciara, as much as I dislike it.

    As far as Claire is concerned, I don’t even know why she’s there except to act as a conscience for Ciara when perhaps she will see more of the change in Ciara and will suspect why.  If Hope interferes and tries to pull her away, it will only make her (Ciara) more determined, because she is not a happy young woman right now at all.  As for her own therapy, well, you can lead a horse to water, but……!


     I can’t believe Hope would even consider that.  Yes, she is an adult but still a teen and in need of moral guidance.  Plus, she is at that age when crushes are very common because of rampant running hormones.  Nope, not a place for her at all.

    I imagine she will develop a crush and then start fantasizing her and Chad and Thomas being one happy little family.  Although I don’t think her involvement with Theo is any better for her…OR him.


     why Abby is in bed?  She’s in a mental hospital not a medical hospital.  They usually stress you getting dressed every day and making your life as normal as possible.  What you see in the movies with all the patients sitting around in PJs and robes, watching TV and playing cards is a bunch of whooie.  Maybe in the very critical wards they might but not where Abby is.


    I have been wondering the same thing. 


    patients weren’t usually allowed in their rooms unless it was a specific time of the day. They had to be in common areas together, or various therapies which were usually in a group. When they met with the doctor, it was in a room, but not theirs.


     Is actually in as precarious a situation as Abby since she never dealt with her own trauma, is just pushing it under and trying to move on with her life which is exactly what Abby did after the cabin incident. I would like to believe that the writers will have Chad realize this and he will not let himself get involved with someone else who cannot deal wtih her own problems. But I am unfortunately not giving the writers that much credit so I will probably be disappionted.


    She isn’t living in the main house. She moved into one of the guest houses on the property. 

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