Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Chloe and Philips discretion

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    How many times can they repeat the flashback of their discretion.  Enough already – put it on a banner and fly it across Salem – be done with it once and for all.  This has gone on for at least two weeks – I swear elementary school kids could write better than these writers.  Aargh!


    I’ve been thinking the same thing ever since I KNOW I watched it for the tenth time.  Give us a break; we know what they did, they know what they did, about the only ones who don’t are their mates.  Enough already!


    I know if I cheated I would certainly run all over town screaming into my cell phone or talking aloud to myself that "No one can know I slep with so and so!"  ; )


    repeated scenes, ad nausea, scenes over and over and over…Did the show’s writer’s think there are brand spanking new viewers tuning in every day that don’t know what’s happened?  Do they like the titilation (especially, the hot bedroom scenes) that the "love" scenes show?  Do they have to fill time in the 40 minutes they actually have to write for and don’t know what else to write?  Do they have to save money?  Just wondering why…


    and how much it’s bothering him and thought, why should he be so guilt-ridden with all the girls he’s bedded.  Then it occured to me, Philip’s never been unfaithful to anybody (that I can think of…correct me if I’m wrong).  He was very true when he was married to Belle and I don’t remember him even harboring any lust for anyone while he was in a relationship.  Philip is one of the few people on the show without multiple marriages.


    really does love Melanie and truly feels  bad.  I know that is rare in Salem, but he may really regret his indescretion.



    Do they think we all have dementia and can’t remember what happened from day to day and each time we see the scene it’s as if it were the first.  That might also explain how they have no problem changing history so often.


    Deelan…that makes the most sense of all!  Now where is my drool for DOOL bib?

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