After watching the show, I knew there was a good line I wanted to remember, but never could come up with it. Thanks for providing the line, Casey. It was hilarious!
during ‘writers table’ discussions, they get silly themselves and then decided to send it to their dialogue writers to add some humor to the show. When she saw the dialogue that was given, they thought it was great and even better than what they thought they’d get, so they are doing more of it. I love it too! It is especially good coming from characters like Victor who has always said what he thinks.
in love with Victor…I think he’s a handsome older (not so much older than me) gentleman and he says what he means and he doesn’t mince words – the lines he’s been given lately are in a word "priceless".
for everyone in the wedding scene. The women (loved Kate’s referencing Victor’s remark about marrying Viv was like marrying Medea, and Kate reminding him, "you did.") all had one or two, as did the men; however, Victor still is the ‘king of zing’ in my book.
I loved when they were all seated and Victor asked why they were all still there. Phillip said "I heard there’s cake" or something similar. Even Melanie when Bo went to talk to her about how much it meant to him that she’s there for his brother and she said "you’re just trying to get into my mother".