Since she’s a lawyer and Haley’s mother, shouldn’t she be doing everything possible to help Haley get legal status? Instead we’re watching this ridiculous JJ Haley escape plan. I wonder where Days is going with this storyline.
None of Haley being Trask’s sister ever made any sense. Now that she’s confirmed to be Trask’s daughter is like, okay, cool, so let’s start seeing some bonding. Meanwhile, we’re subjected this whatever nonsense that they’re shoving at us.
couples on the run romance, but just not feeling it w/Jaley. I don’t feel this couple, possibly because Days matched them up without any real substance.
Inreally like Haley and I think they go together well. I wish they’d sing together again. That said, I’m enjoying the story, bu I do wish we’d see Melinda (maybe working with Abe) to get Haley legal status.
Maybe it’s because I think J.J. is a blooming idiot most of the time. He’s like all other guys on soaps; he has to be the "hero" always coming to the aid or resuce of the damsal in distress, whether she wants it or not. As for Haley (sp?), I just can’t seem to warm to her either. Sorry, but they are both thumbs down for me.