Home Forums Salem Place: The Main Board Friday, 2/21

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    Everything is going to hit the fan soon.  Looks like Maggie is going to remember Xander at the accident scene.  I know nothing about bone marrow transplants but if it’s as complicated as Sarah described, something is going to happen and Brady or Kristen will have to donate blood or whatever to save Mickey’s life.  Then the truth will come out about that.

    Now that Ben turned himself in, Ciara had better **** or get off the pot regarding David’s biological father because Salem doesn’t follow the rules regarding death penalty cases and appeals.  I have to LOL because IL abolished the death penalty a few years ago.

    Place your bets.  Will Eric jump to conclusions and think Nicole took part in the baby switch?

    Nice job by Freddie/Sonny venting his frustration at Gabriella.  I’d want to knock the crap out of her as well.


    Now we have to wait until Monday. I loved Sonny giving Gabi hell. She is still insisting she had every right to do what she did. The girl has no remorse. Even if she wiggles her way out of prison, which you know she will, every one in town knows what she did. She will be ostracized beyond belief. I don’t see how Will and Sonny would even want her near Ari. She’s a horrible role model to her daughter.

    I am very much looking forward to Maggie remembering she was behind the wheel. Howeve, the one thing that confuses me is that Maggie’s car was also wrecked. How did she not notice that the next day? Does Victor have a body shop on speed dial that miraculously pulled her car out and fixed it in just a matter of hours? Seriously, I ask myself this every time they show this flashback.

    Did Rafe say something to Ciera about assaulting the police commissioner? When did that happen? Did Rafe become commissioner by default?  


    I guess Victor could have said it was taken in for service or something.

    I was wondering about when Rafe became commissioner as well.

    At least we have somethign to look forward to.


     What about Maggie’s daughter, Susan, was it?  Why was she brought into the picture?  There was some speculation the she caused the accident.


     Was it not damaged?  Did he swerve back into his lane and only cause Adrienne to go off the road and crash?  Did she crash into a tree, or what caused Adrienne to die?


    Summer. I suppose she was brought in as an excuse for Maggie to drink. 


    Adrienne must have had a severe injury, but though she was ok. She got out of the car and then collapsed.  


     He didn’t recall going outside of his lane.

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