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    Ok,  So how can Stephanie find Chloe’s paternity test?? she had it done under an assumed name!    This was posted on Dayscafe. 


    From what I read she hears Phillip and Chloe discussing the test so I’m guessing Chloe and her big mouth also tells Phillip what her fake name was. 


    of Philip’s behavior and believes, after talking to Adrienne, that there is some secret connection between Philip and Chloe, so she breaks into Chloe and Daniel’s apartment and almost gets caught when Chloe and, I think, Philip (or maybe it’s Carly) come in and start discussing the paternity test, but she hides in a closet and overhears it all.  It’s then that she decides to hack into the computers at Saint Mary’s where (oh, God, please help us), I’m sure she will attempt to change the results if it’s proven to be Philip’s child.  Gee, I wonder where they came up with this creative idea. Writers:  any new ideas in those empty heads yet??? 


    Please, please, PLEASE say it ain’t so…………


    And she just waltzes in, sits down at a computer and gets the information she wants.  Heck, she shouldn’t be working at the hospital, she should be working for the CIA!

    Okay writers, it’s time to start working toward some semblance of reality again.  You’ve done it before, certainly you can do it again.  <sigh>


    If the baby isn’t Daniel’s, it will just show that it doesn’t match, right?  Carly doesn’t have Philip’s DNA sample and doesn’t know he’s the one Chloe cheated with?  So I’m guessing Steph will see it’s not a match and change that it is.  But we as viewers probably won’t know for months who’s really the daddy.  Not until the writers decide themselves which outcome will make their job easier, anyway. LOL


    DAMIEN SPANELLI? (Sorry, but General Hospital fans will understand that one).

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