Home Forums The Brady Pub Funny today that the actress that plays Julie was….

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     on both Days and Y&R and being snarky on both! lol   


    but she had to be wearing a wig today.  Her hair was more grayish-blonde than the beautiful silvery white hair that Julie on DOOL has.  


     they were taped at different times.  I read where SSH came back from a European Vacation to do the taping as she didn’t want anyone else playing that part on Y&R.   She’s been around Days for a while so that would make it sound like she finished Days and then took off on a trip with Bill when the other offer came in. Plus, I read where Days is months ahead of taping their shows.  They are taping very quickly and far ahead.  

    Joanna really hates Lauren!  What a thing to do to her own daughter and she didn’t even get what she had done.  I watched when Neil Fennmore was on the show and he was definitely not the bad guy that he was portrayed recently.  I guess they assume the viewers weren’t around when he was on!  


    I’ve thought for some time now she really needs a rinse in her hair to get the yellow out.  She doesn’t have to become a "blue lady" but use a little bit at least.  I thought it was very noticable yesterday, maybe because she was so close to Bill and his is so very white.  Julie’s style is very pretty but I don’t like the color at all.  It’s one reason why I don’t let my grey go ‘natural.’  It’s the same dingy/dingey (how the heck to you spell that?) color as hers and not very attractive at all.

    Speaking of Julie…she sure did a 180° about Bo after he gave his testimony on Hope’s behalf.  She came down him relentlessly before and then she’s falling all over him, thanking him profusely, afterwords.  As Roman would say, "What da hell?"


    kill to have my hair go Julie’s silvery white color…{sigh} I’m doomed to use Ms. Clairol the rest of my days…

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