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    I have developed an itch in the inside of by ears, both outer and inner ear and also along my eyelashes and eyebrows. There’s no rash and it’s not even red. I try to keep from scratching but it’s like poison ivy, you just can’t leave it alone.

    I asked my dermatologist when he was removing the cancer from my arm and he said put cortisone cream on it but that hasn’t even fazed it. Besides, I can’t put it on my eyelashes. It’s been driving me crazy for four or five days now. Anybody have this before or have any suggestions?


    I’m so sorry to hear that. Have you tried putting white vinegar on a facecloth and dabbing it on your face & ears? I know white vinegar takes the itch out of mosquito bites and poison ivy. Good luck!


    insane itching rashes every summer and the only thing that worked was calamine lotion. I still use it for a number of skin ailments.


    Like Benadryl or Allegra? Have you changed any products you might use on your face or hair? 


    To get rid of the fungus that may be causing the ear infection, apple cider vinegar is a good option.

    1. Mix one part apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water or alcohol. Soak a cotton ball in the solution.
    2. Put the cotton ball in your ear like a plug and leave it for about five minutes.
    3. Remove the cotton ball and lay down on your opposite side to drain the liquid from the ear. Use a hair dryer to dry your ear as much as possible.



    The problem is what can go in your ear can’t go on your eyes. I guess I’m just going to have to give in and go to the doctor. But, I’ve already been to the allergist, who do I see, ENT for ears, ophthalmologist for eyes. Eee-gads!


     Definitely have it checked by a doctor.  Lice can live on eyelashes and eyebrows and scabies can live just about anywhere under the skin.



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