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    Crikey, it’s been three days with no posts here. I feel obligated to just post something to break the spell.

    How are you guys making out in the Bay Area with that storm. You really needed the rain but probably not so much all at once. Hope everybody stays safe.

    We are having some seasonably cold weather down here if SoFl (set a record yesterday) and while some people like it, I personally would rather it stay nice a warm. It is a nice break however from the humidity and I love how I can have the whole house open with the air flowing through. I wonder how many places need the heat on at night and then the A/C during the day.


    how is your health? Last we heard you were in a brace and the docs were trying to figure out whether you had a nerve problem. Are you getting around now and what’s the update?
    I hope you’re on the mend – you’ve been through so much!


    There hasn’t been much change. I’m out of the brace but still can’t put total weight on my left leg. The neurologist has ruled out nerve damage (other than the neuropathy in my lower leg which may or may not go away over time) but there doesn’t seem to be any explanation to what is preventing me from any significant improvement. I have to use a wheelchair if I have to go far (over about 50 feet) although I can get around the house with a walker. The doctor is at a loss right now as to what is wrong. He is waiting to see if it might be a type of bacterial infection that attacks and feeds off the prosthesis (hard to believe but I did some research and it’s true) which will need a biopsy to determine but won’t that won’t show up for an additional couple of months. If that’s what it is, it is not affected by regular antibiotics which means I’ll need another surgery to remove the existing prosthesis, all the rods, screws and wires, and replace it with an antibiotic-infused cement one. Needless to say, that isn’t something I want to have to go through.

    This has been such a debilitating and depressing event in my life that the doctor has claimed I am now suffering from PTSD and has recommended professional counseling to come to grips with what the future holds. I am in procrastination right now but I know it’ll help me cope better so I should get on the ball. I guess the uncertainty of any kind of resolution at all is what is so hard to bear. But I have to remind myself that things could be worse.

    I don’t like to sound so ‘poor-me’ but after six months of intense pain, the incapacitation and three major surgeries, along with not knowing where things are going, it’s a little hard to maintain a positive attitude. The arthritis in my shoulders has been exacerbated by the walker use in addition to the stress on my knee. My kids have tried to be here for me but it’s hard for them to leave their lives and families for any period of time so I’m on my own right now. My DIL spent two weeks here, her husband, my youngest son, has been here four weeks and my other son from San Francisco took his two-week vacation time to be with me, plus, I had to hire professional help 24/7 (VERY expensive) for a couple of weeks in the beginning. Being by myself is mostly okay except for things like getting to doctors’ appointments, grocery shopping, housework, etc. Friends have been helpful but, even for them, as time goes on, they tend to lose interest. Now I even have to have a “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” button around my neck. Something I never wanted nor expected to need. One of the worst parts is the boredom. I can’t really get out or do anything and it get’s hard trying to find something to occupy myself and take my mind off my problems. Thanks God for Days! :o)

    I’ll tell you what, this is something that has certainly made me look at my mortality in a totally different light. If I can pass anything to everybody reading this it is to appreciate your mobility because you can’t begin to imagine what it’s like to lose it.

    Now, aren’t you sorry you asked? :o)


    you really have been through the mill, and I can certainly attest to the fact that, as we get older, it’s much harder to heal and deal with the road to recovery.  I know I can speak from my own experiences, but your medical problems have been enormous for the past several years, or at least what we know of them since we have been associated with this board.  From my heart, I wish you well with your healing process, and want you to know that you will be included in my Christmas prayers for a full recovery, and that 2015 will be a miracle year for you.


    and of course it is affecting your mental health. I got a taste of imobility where I pulled ligmaments in my knees several years ago and it was a real eye opener to what others are going through. Even a wrist fracture which I’ve had three of can depress you.
    Has PT been discussed at all? Also any alternative therapies? I had never heard of that bacteria issue and how awful if you have to go through more procedures.
    I will continue to pray for your strength and healing.
    By the way, did your son from SF endure any damage from the monsoon?


    Bonbon, I am so sorry to hear your not getting any better, I will be adding you in my nightly Prayers … I know its hard finding something to do when you can get around well, When I had my foot surgery and could not move around very well, I developed a liking for Puzzles , I would go from TV to the internet to my puzzles, I started off with the 500 pieces then when to 1000, and now I have moved up to 1500 pieces, but that only if you like stuff like that, if not try some type of art or get a deck of cards .. there is nothing worst than being Bored with yourself ..smile .. I’ve been there. I hope you keep us updated, I do not comment much but I do read all post everyday.
    Prayers coming your way
    God Bless


    I really appreciate the prayers and can use all I can get. My next doctor’s appointment is in January and I’m going to tell the him I really need to know something, anything, that might give me some hope.

    Casey, my son actually lives in Mill Valley which is right across the Golden Gate Bridge (to the north). He lives up in the foothills so I was really worried because of all the trees and narrow roads but in spite of all the downed trees and mud slides, they made out okay. My DIL runs the gift shop at John Muir Woods and even they closed down, something that very rarely happens. It was much worse than I heard here. Most businesses in the city closed. My son works there in SF and tried to get to work but the police had the road blocked off. And now, they are expecting another one. First drought, now flooding. Mother Nature can really be nasty.

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