I was thinking today,,,, Quinn is coming back soon and going to open a self defence studio in one of the shops in the square. I wonder, if everyone has to be a triangle maybe they’ll have a brady/Quinn/Madison triangle.
If they absolutely HAVE to put Quinn with anybody, put him with Sonny. I guess I just don’t like him and haven’t found any particular leaning toward any female on the show for him. In fact, I’m wondering why they are bringing him back.
Speaking of Sonny, he wasn’t at the celebration. Is he still on the show?
feeling all down about being alone and no one to dance with. I believe she was watching Chad and Abby dancing when Sonny said something about dancing with her. At least I think that’s what I saw.
Mel did dance with Sonny because she was saying it was a pity dance and they were talking about him being gay and it being the first time she danced with a gay guy. They were real cute together and Victor commented on how great they looked together and Justin and Adrienne had to point out that they were happy with him just the way he is.