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    Dr Greene being her accomplice was a total surprise to me. I thought he was a good guy, but it doesn’t look that way right now. But who knows what direction this story will take. Has anybody seen any rumors? I haven’t.


    But the huge major problems with the entire narrative is that what started out was that Abs’casket is empty & with how Will’s was as well, so the question that I have is that with Will surviving everything & he is now with his daughter, his husband, his dad, his sister & her son & her boyfriend, you tell me as to why Abby should go through that as well, given what it did to her mother that led to her actions with Gwen. You tell me how Mark & this young lady can get out from under by doing this, meaning, putting Chad through all of this, that it doesn’t matter what narrative or what excuse & why they did what they did, the point is that they are willing to be apart of it, instead of getting help as to who’s forcing them to do this. The entire town & everyone who’s related to Abigail & that’s the entire town of Salem would help to get Dr. Mark & this young lady immunity into revealing who’s forcing them & banding together to bring down who did this, look at drama, the high suspense & emotional rollercoasters when they put Will through this, they would be able to do that all over again & facing all of that & hitting it out of the ballpark to find out if Abs is alive & brings her back to her family, remember, they are bringing back MR’s Jennifer, aren’t they?


    The entire Abs story is crazy. We can’t lose sight of the fact that Clyde was the one who started it all by telling Chad Abs was alive. Also, how does John’s abduction play into it all? What’s the connection? Now that Days is building up this story about Abs, I hope they don’t leave loose ends, gaps in the story, and unanswered questions like they did with Bobby/Everett and the Connie fiasco. Don’t dig yourself a hole with the various angles of a story and then not be able to get yourself out of it with a satisfying ending.


    First of all, I think Dr. Greene was supposed to be Leo’s new love interest. But that was under the scab writers. When the regular writers came back, I think they chose not to go that way with his character so they made him the bad guy working with Marin—but why? This storyline is so full of holes and chopped off stories. They did this with Bobby/Everett and they also did this with the time capsule storyline. This is truly the biggest problem with this show being written so many months ahead of airdate. I wish they would stop that. They can’t even reverse course when the stories are horrible because they’ve already recorded 6 to 7 months worth of show based on a bad storyline. That is what we’re seeing now, a hot mess of nothing being cohesive on the show.


    I forgot about the time capsule storyline. At one time rumors were saying it would have info on Everett. I guess when they killed him off, they also discarded the time capsule with it.


    That’s what I think happened. Which is really bad for us viewers. We started to get excited about a few storylines knowing the regular writers would come back and finish those stories. Instead, they chose to kill off characters or have them leave town and then they just dropped stories around them. I think it would have been a good story for Julie had the time capsule been opened and Everett was somehow linked to it. Another story they dropped was the story of a murder in Seattle that was unsolved and Jada believed Bobby had a connection to that. It was only mentioned a few times when they were trying to determine who Bobby/Everett was. Also, how did the fingerprints Jada got of Everett match Bobby? Why would Bobby, an alter, have his fingerprints on file, but Everett, the real person did not.


    They also were building up a big story with Leo’s mother. He visited her in jail and that was it. Is there more to come?
    Details, details LOL. Days ignores them. Are they writing themselves into a box again with the Abi story? I hope they answer all the questions already out there, not just the big ones. For example, where is Abi if her coffin was empty? What is the Clyde connection? Why kidnap John?

    They keep mentioning that the Greene’s parents were killed without any details. I wonder if this is some sort of revenge against whoever might have been involved in that.

    Also, seems like Dr G is a friend or brother to fake Abi rather than a girlfriend.


    Yes, I think Mark Greene and Marin are siblings. If they are going the route that somehow their parents’ death is because of Jack, the Hortons, or the Dimeras, isn’t that the same storyline as Sloane and her brother with Paulina. I’m kind of tired of repeat storylines.


    I hope they move this story along at a good pace and not drag it out. When they drag out stories it seems to give them license to alter the facts of the stories thinking the viewers will forget them.


    They’ve already altered Dr. Green’s storyline. On the 4th of July, Aaron was going home to his mom’s 4th of July cookout. Now both parents are dead and Dr. Green is responsible for raising them. I had heard Marin is his sister, but in yesterday’s conversation with Felicity (I think that’s her name) he only mentioned him, her, and Aaron being a family. So where does Marin figure in this storyline. If she were related to them, it seems he would have said, “I’m talking to our sister.” Instead he lied. Why?


    I still wonder about the Clyde connection. That’s got to figure into this. Dr G doesn’t seem like a bad guy.

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