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    I believe she needs seasoning. She is not natural enough and seems to be trying too hard at times.


    She doesn’t open her mouth when she talks – HUGE peeve of mine.  


     It was driving me crazy watching her teeth clenched and only her upper lip moving!


    The mumbling has to stop.  


    it makes her wooden.

    but she’s an amazing crier. I’m looking at you Hope. 


     Couldn’t help but notice the mumbling today, and the whiny voice! I can’t stand that! It’s almost like she was instructed to act younger than she is to make up for the sudden jump in age. If they just told her to open her mouth when she talks, I think it would be fine. She certainly does look like she could be Hope’s daughter and Jason Cook looks like he could be Bo’s son, too. That’s a fine looking family.


    she was talking with food in her mouth. It almost sounds like she’s slurring her lines. Not impressed so far. 


    now that she’s getting better dialogue, but I agree about talking through her teeth.  It’s very noticeable as well as annoying.  The whiny voice I attribute to the situation she and Hope are in, and unfortunately, for Ciara, I’m afraid that’s only going to get worse.


    Recently, teen girls especially would end their sentences on an up-swing, very much like the Valley Girl speech, almost like they were asking a question. But something new has come on the scene I didn’t realize until I saw this pointed out on a news program. If you watch entertainment stars especially, they now end their sentences on a lower “growl”. They had a name for it but I don’t remember what it was. They showed the Kardashians as a perfect example but since then, I’ve noticed many, many people (especially girls) on TV doing it. Listen for it. I noticed last night on Project Runway, the woman that won ended every single sentence with that lower growl. Very interesting. No reasoning for it they could determine.

    It’s interesting, to me anyway, how speech changes over the years. I noticed listening to Mrs. H. on Days from the early clips how “British” sounding her speech was. In fact, you’ll find the same thing in old movies and especially news reels. It’s almost like they are speaking English with some strange foreign accent. I found a very old tape (from the 60s) of my own voice and was amazed at how different it was. Not just tone which would result from aging but inflections and pronunciations. Weird.


    it’s just that talking through clenched test and not opening her mouth that bothers me. And I’m afraid that won’t change because it’s probably just how she speaks naturally and I think it’s detracting from her acting ability. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


     It’s called "vocal fry" and it’s totally annoying!  The theory is that girls are subconsciously trying to saund like me to be more authoritative.  It’s not working though.  They just sound dumb.


     It’s called "vocal fry" and it’s totally annoying!  The theory is that girls are subconsciously trying to sound like men to be more authoritative.  It’s not working though.  They just sound dumb.


    But it’s a unconscious thing and not something they are doing with any intention or forethought. Anyway that’s the way it was presented in the TV bit. I just found it very interesting and once I started paying attention, very wide-spread.

    (Majenco, how did you know that?)


    I heard an NPR segment about this last summer–on Fresh Air maybe.




     that was really interesting.  I had no idea it was something the kids were doing intentionally.  Great job on the update.

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