kind of disappointed in the girls tonight. i liked naima, kendra, karen, and the one after her, disappointed in Zurrilla i like her but she didnt do well tonight.
agree with you, my top 6 were Thia number one , i’ve liked her since the beginning, Kendra, Pia, Haley, Naima, and Lauren, the one that sang country, there are 2 laurens arent there?
until you mentioned it, but there are two Laurens. I was talking about the first one who sang (dark hair), but the one who is 16 and blonde was great, too.
the first half of the girls disappointed while the second half picked it up. I question many of the song choices as far away from the genre that will sell records. Thia has the purest voice of them all and I can’t believe she’s 15. Pia really sold her song and I liked Rachel’s Amy Winehouse turn. I actually didn’t much care for the 16 yr old.
A couple seemed like pageant performances. The girl who did “Falling” was too over the top for me.
Cutting the girls IMO will be easier than the boys.