Did she have any makeup on at all in those morning scenes? I don’t think so and she looked great! I love that she has the confidence to really look like someone would in the morning. Way to go Ali!
Sami is working from home so why would she be made up? Kate was getting ready for the day, so it is exactly what would be happening. Granted most people don’t put on make up in the living room, but they were discussing their situation so it is possible.
Glamorized isn’t always best. I feel the same way when they put Hope’s hair up like they did the night of the gala. She looks great with her hair down and in a pair of jeans. Shoot, she even looks good with the glasses on.
though does show the how hair extentions, volumizing products and a good hair stylist can prop up wispy locks. But in full agreement that Ai is a true beauty.