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     That thinks it’s weird that Theresa is still unaware that Paige died? Not two minutes before, Eve was sitting in HTS crying! It was her niece after all.




    all show yesterday for Theresa to be notified. Yes, odd.


    don’t want to change the fact that Theresa cares about nothing but herself and those damn sketches, but it would have been interesting to see her reaction to her niece’s death.


    there were more than Theresa who hadn’t learned of the murder-Hope, Doug, Julie, john, etc. if they had known I would think they would have at least made mention of jj and how he was doing.


    So Eve was notified, and we know Chad knows, along with the rest of the police dept, (plus Aiden and Justin) but not Theresa? And I’m wondering if we will see Jennifer/Abigail being told as well, or will they already know by the time they are on screen next? Very anti-climactic if you ask me! I want to see their reactions… Daniel’s and Kayla’s too, since they were mentoring her at the hospital.


     Hope is a police officer and didn’t know, I understand she was celebrating her engagement but still…

    then today, she has an iPad open with the headline and still no one mentions it to her?? With everything being instant now and us constantly attached to our phones, you’d think she’d know. 

    Nothing from Daniel either! You’d think the news of another murder would be all over the place. I don’t like the serial killer story line just yet, it’s too choppy.


     they can’t have everyone knowing right off the bat.  It takes time to get to everyone.  At least today we now know that Marlena knows, since she got it right from Eve, but did not tell John or Brady.  But, today Marlena did show John the headline, so he now knows; plus, we know that Eve called Shane, who I’m guessing informed Kimberly; and the I-Pad was right on the table in front of Theresa with the headline "College Student Murdered" but guess she was too exhausted to see it or look at it yet.  I’m sure by next week everyone will know, since there is a spoiler that claims ‘Paige Will Not Be Forgotten’, so I’m guessing there will be some sort of funeral or perhaps just a memorial.  As for JJ not telling Abigail or Jennifer, he’s determined to keep it under his hat at the moment because of Clyde’s threats on them or anyone else he truly cares about, but I’m sure everyone will know sooner rather than later.

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