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    it seems all the news programs have become so political and biased either to the left or the right that we no longer are having the news reported to us, we are having it interpreted with a network slant.  It shouldn’t be that way.  The reporters views and opinion should be left out totally.  Everything now days is either left or right, liberal or conservative, blue or red, right or wrong.

    Personally, I think the only solution is to get rid of the party system completely and let each candidate for whatever office run on their own merits instead of the party platform.  Let their backers come from the people who believe in them rather than an organization.  Will that ever happen?  Probably not. 


    I know it is not a huge thing as the olympics seem to be very popular this year, but this is the first time anything has beaten Idol.

    This olympics could be good news for NBC, but they aren’t playing it right.  They are only advertising their new shows.  Why aren’t they advertising some of their other shows.  Does NBC not realize that there are a TON of people that never watch their station and therefore they know nothing about any of their shows?!?  I would have expected some Days, Chuck, etc. commercials.  I was going to list more they should advertise, but I don’t even know what their other shows are!!!  So far the only show other than their 5 news ones I have seen advertising for is Biggest Loser.  Stupid NBC, they are not taking advantage of these ratings very well.


    With the news networks.  CNN is the closest you get to the middle, but even they miss the mark a lot.  I am so sick of the Left or Right wing agenda.  But honestly, I don’t think getting rid of the party system will help.  Nor do I think it is possible to do that.  People naturally take sides and they naturally have opinions that match one side or another. 

    I just think we need to stop going to the extremes of these sides.  Why can’t we find a way to find the middle ground and not resort to fear to sway people to these extremes.  I don’t think that will ever happen though, as fear seems to be a good tactic to get people to listen, no matter how irrational those fears are or the lies they are built on.  I have to laugh at some of the e-mails I get, but then I think about it and it makes me sad that some people believe this garbage that the extremists put out there.  You would not believe the amount of times I have to send the facts back to someone who blindly fowards an e-mail to me about what is going on in our nation and how I need to fear what is going on.  People have stopped sending me those e-mails – lol  I fact check way too much stuff :)


    has plucked the last feather of the peacock.


    the BBC news on PBS. What a difference in content and point of view than the other networks. You really get a good idea of the global situation, instead of the tunnel vision we get spoonfed elsewhere.

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