So funny that the gauze had blood seeping out of it on the side you could see, but when he took it off you could clearly see no blood on the other side and no blood on the wound or stitches.. my laugh for the day.
the Mad Hatter. Between him walking around talking to himself, and his dance of death in the mirror, I thought poor Harold should have called the men in the white coats. Also, I found it hilarious how Hope has been bragging about the house being guarded for their protection, and here comes Andre right up to the front window watching her. That was definitely MY laugh for the day!
You are so right about Andre. I was looking at him and laughing because this man has totally lost his mind! And as for the guards…. did the writers forget about them? These writers are so, so bad, and shame on them throwing this junk at us. I’m sure the actors have a hard time getting through their scenes.